
The main natural landmark of Novogrudok is its relief. In addition to the fact that Novogrudok is the highest mountain city in Belarus, it differs and the most dramatic relief dip for the southern and western Belarus is 250 meters (from the highest point of Zamkova to the Nemunah edge – 118 meters above sea level) and this is only 22 km.

On the territory of Novogrudok district there are 3 local reserves (“Vselubsky”, “Izvenskiy”, “Grafskaya Pushcha”) and 3 republican landscape reserves (“Svityazia”, ​​”Naliboksky”, “Novogrudok”),

Lake Svityaz

One of the most beautiful and unique lakes in Belarus is also the largest lake in the area.

There have been a lot of legends about the lake, about Svityaz-grad, flooded on its bottom, about mermaids living in the crystal waters of the lake. These legends, , fairy tales are reflected in the immortal poetry of Adam Mickiewich.

Lake Litovka

A few kilometers from Novogrudok there is a small lake, which is known all over the world thanks to the poem of Adam Mickiewich “Grazhyna”. In the image of Grazhina, women’s beauty and courage of the patriot have been united. The subject of the poem was a local legend.

Park in Novogrudok

Laid in the 30-ies of  XX century at the foot of the castle mountain. By the 80’s belonged to the main dendrological park facilities of Belarus. Despite the noticeable changes, the park is among the best preserved among the 28 homestead parks in Grodno region.

Park in Lyubcha

Considering the special significance, the park complex in the 1980s  was referred to “parks samples of castle and park architecture.” Only two such rare objects were singled out in Belarus (Lyubcha and Mir).

Natural monuments of national importance are:

Vselub Park

Oak-tree (near the lake Svityaz),

Pucevichi mountain (Pucevichi village),

Zapolskye conglomerates (the village of Zapolye),

Large stone Pliska (Vselub forestry),

A large Lithuanian stone with signs (v. Litovka),


The Holy Stone of Senezhitsky (Senezhitsy village),

Zapolye boulder (the village of Zapolye).