Owner of the agro estate: Vaityushkevich Dmitry Ivanovich
Address: Grodno region, Novogrudok district, Vasilevichi village, 43
Tel. +375 29 309 49 79
E-mail: todar@tut.by
Website: http://vaitiushki.by/?lang=en
Number of places: 8
The estate is located 140 km from Minsk in the heart of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania – on the banks of the Neman River between Novogrudok and Lida. The house is surrounded on three sides by a pine tree forest rich in berries and mushrooms. The homestead is an excellent place for those who are planning a holiday in Belarus with their children.
In addition to accommodation in cozy country houses, guests are offered tasting of national dishes, boating, fishing, excursions to the castles of Novogrudok, Lida, Mir and Nesvizh. The owner of the estate is the famous Belarusian performer Zmitser Vaityushkevich. Therefore, in addition to enjoying the beauty of local areas, you can appreciate the Belarusian song culture.